Thursday, September 28, 2006

Couldn't stop tinkering

I couldn't stop tinkering with the root basin program.

New features:
All mouse control: no keyboard means no illegal input to crash program.
Reset coordinates button: returns bounds of image to initial values
Save image: save the basin image as a JPEG.

screen cap of program

saved images

I may do the same for the Mandelbrot program sometime. I've been in hardcore geek mode the past few days. I even started to re-read "The Fractal Geometry of Nature" by Benoit Mandelbrot. Yes, I own a copy. I've had it since high school.

I told you, I'm a geek.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I've perfected both the Root Basin and Mandelbrot programs to my satisfaction.

I got rid of the black specks completely in the Root Basin Program.

I added a feature to both that lets you select the zoom area with the mouse.

They're pretty cool now.


Monday, September 11, 2006

I found the problem

The black specks showed up because I was too precise in my routine to determine which color the pixel should be.

I am not sure what caused the overflow error, but I can avoid it by offsetting 0+j0 from the exact center of the image.

Check these out:

Oh yeah, I solved the slowness problem, too.

Those black specks are actually kind of cool. I may put them back in.


Ooh, pretty...

Here's an enlargement ot the corner I posted yesterday.

You can really see the fractal nature of the bounadry between basins.

I still don't know why I'm getting those black specks.


Sunday, September 10, 2006


I've been trying to rewrite my old root basin program in Borland C++ Builder 6.

Right now it sort-of works. It's slow as hell, I get floating point overflow errors, and for some reason some points don't compute right (the black specks in the image). I'll keep working on it off and on.
Here's what I managed to get so far: (it would take days for the entire image to draw, so this is just one corner)

Here's a sort of extrapolated image:

I got frustrated and wrote a Mandelbrot program instead. It was easy. Here's the result:

I once wrote a Mandelbrot program for my HP-20S graphing calculator, because I was bored in class. It isn't that I'm all that good, it's just that a Mandelbrot program is that easy.
