I just picked up the collection Happiness is a Squishy Cephalopod.
I'll add this to my sidebar this weekend.
More on this later.
Friday, August 17, 2007
John went insane today
8:06 AM
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Sunday, August 05, 2007
Just this lime
The other day I finished American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
Just now, I finished Anansi Boys, also by Neil Gaiman.
Gaiman writes modern fantasy, and if you have never read anything by him, I highly recommend that you do so.
His books aren't comedy (like Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett are), but they do contain elements of humor.
Anansi Boys had one of the funniest lines I have read in a long time:
"As long as you're not just doing it to get the lime back."
It's one of those "you had to be there" jokes, but take my word for it: it's hilarious. Or better still, read the book.
John went insane today
9:18 PM
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Wow. Just....Wow.
I have been out of touch with the news media for a couple of years. I had pretty much given up. FauxNews and its cadre of bullshitters had managed to drive me off.
Tonight I stumbled across some YouTube videos that did a lot to restore my faith.
I was searching for confirmation of Bush's "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a goddamned piece of paper!" statement. (How has this guy not been impeached?)
So, Keith Olbermann. This is the kind of ranting I can get behind.
John went insane today
7:43 PM
Spout off (2)
Friday, August 03, 2007
Where did the Universe Come From? Part 2
Part 2: "Bird Droppings on my Telescope"
The Big Bang theory was totally rejected at first. But those who supported it had predicted that the ignition of the Big Bang would have left behind a sort of 'hot flash' of radiation.So far, so good
If a big black wood stove produces heat that you can feel, then in a similar manner, the Big Bang should produce its own kind of heat that would echo throughout the universe.Not a terrible analogy
In 1965, without looking for it, two physicists at Bell Labs in New Jersey found it. At first, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were bothered because, while trying to refine the world's most sensitive radio antenna, they couldn't eliminate a bothersome source of noise. They picked up this noise everywhere they pointed the antenna.This skips a lot, but is essentially correct
At first they thought it was bird droppings. The antenna was so sensitive it could pick up the heat of bird droppings (which certainly are warm when they're brand new) but even after cleaning it off, they still picked up this noise.Again, essentially correct
This noise had actually been predicted in detail by other astronomers, and after a year of checking and re-checking the data, they arrived at a conclusion: This crazy Big Bang theory really was correct.Okay, they provided enough evidence for the big bang theory to be taken seriously
In an interview, Penzias was asked why there was so much resistance to the Big Bang theory.
He said, "Most physicists would rather attempt to describe the universe in ways which require no explanation. And since science can't *explain* anything - it can only *describe* things - that's perfectly sensible. If you have a universe which has always been there, you don't explain it, right?
"Somebody asks you, 'How come all the secretaries in your company are women?' You can say, 'Well, it's always been that way.' That's a way of not having to explain it. So in the same way, theories which don't require explanation tend to be the ones accepted by science, which is perfectly acceptable and the best way to make science work."
But on the older theory that the universe was eternal, he explains: "It turned out to be so ugly that people dismissed it. What we find - the simplest theory - is a creation out of nothing, the appearance out of nothing of the universe."I can't find a reference for this quote anywhere. However, I did find this, which mentions, in the "Science and Philosophy" section that Penzias equates the big bang with the moment of Biblical creation.
So what. Penzias managed to reconcile his faith with his science. A lot of scientists do. It seems we're back to argument from authority
Also, that bit about explanation vs. description smells extremely fishy
Penzias and his partner, Robert Wilson, won the Nobel Prize for their discovery of this radiation. The Big Bang theory is now one of the most thoroughly validated theories in all of science.
Robert Wilson was asked by journalist Fred Heeren if the Big Bang indicated a creator.
Wilson said, "Certainly there was something that set it all off. Certainly, if you are religious, I can't think of a better theory of the origin of the universe to match with Genesis."I found this quote here. This site is dedicated to argument from authority, and all of the quotes can be attributed to poetic metaphor, Deist beliefs or quote mining. When I have time, I may research a few quotes listed there for evidence of said quote mining.
Also notice that Wilson said "if you are religious..."
This looks to me to be an attempt to forestall any conflicts, rather than an admission that the Bible is really true after all
Stay tuned for tomorrow's installment: "Why the Big Bang was the most precisely planned event in all of history."Again, I look forward to it
Perry Marshall
Again, all argument from authority. So far I don't see any compelling reason to attribute the creation/existence of the universe to any kind of supernatural being.
This little snippet was also included:
For further reading:
"A Day Without Yesterday" - Albert Einstein, Georges Lemaitre and the Big Bang
Check it out. I wonder, did Mr. Marshall put Einstein's name in the title by mistake?
Lemaitre was a mathematician who happened to be a Catholic priest. So what? Unless the implication is more argument from authority.
John went insane today
7:32 PM
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